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Junior Herp Club January 2025 [virtual meeting]

  • 25 Jan 2025
  • 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
  • Virtual on Zoom
  • 79


Registration is closed

  Are you ready to explore the exciting world of reptiles and amphibians? 

Join us for the San Diego Herpetological Society's Monthly Junior Meeting and learn from the passionate herpers! 

Get ready to dive into the captivating world of garter snakes! Learn about their incredible adaptations and characteristics, explore their diverse habitats and range, discover their unique diet, and unravel the secrets of their intriguing behavior.

SDHS members Jessica and Annabelle will be leading the virtual Zoom meeting, where they will discuss everything from reptile care and setups to behavior, habitats, diets, and even meet live reptiles and amphibians.

This is a great opportunity for kids of all ages to learn and connect with others who share their passion for herpetology.

Whether you're a seasoned pro or just getting started, the Junior Reptile Club welcomes all reptile and amphibian enthusiasts.

Join us on the last Saturday of the month from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm PST.

Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to learn and engage with fellow herp enthusiasts.

For more information, please contact our SDHS Junior Coordinator Jessica Watters at jrherpclub@sdherpsociety.org.

We can't wait to see you there! 


San Diego Herpetological Society is a Nonprofit Corporation serving the community since 1978.  The SDHS reaches out to everyone with a  passion or curiosity for reptiles, amphibians kept as pets or studied and observed in nature.  Our primary objective is to create a supportive environment for enthusiasts whether a beginner or life-long hobbyist or breeder. We are a membership based organization open to individuals and families with an interest, curiosity or passion for these fascinating creatures


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San Diego Herpetological Society is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization 

PO Box 503835 San Diego, CA 92150-3835

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